Curly & Wool coats - these coats need a lot of maintenance as the coats are generally thick and mat easily and quickly.
Double coats - need regular brushing to stop a build up of undercoat and tangles and to ease shedding at home.
Smooth coats - are easier to maintain generally as they are short although shedding can still be occur leaving little fine unwanted hairs everywhere.
Silky & Long coats - these type of coats require a lot of maintenance. Generally these breeds are clipped shorter in a pet trim, for maintenance at home, but still require regular brushing as the coat grows to ensure the coat remains mat free.

SEE below - Brushing Your Dog At Homefor more information about how to care from your dog at home based on coat type. 

I offer a Lakeside Groom Room Membership Package which manages all of your dogs grooming needs, scheduling of regular appointments based on coat type whilst spreading the coat out over the year. Please see further details or contact me to dicsus further. 
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