Why Does Your Puppy Shed Their Coat?

Key Points
When puppies shed their first coat, they can appear scruffy and may even change colour.

You can help reduce the amount of dog hair in your house by gently grooming your puppy with an appropriate brush.

There is not much in this world cuter than a puppy! Besides the downy ears and ridiculous antics, part of their undeniable appeal is their soft puppy coats. Unfortunately for adoring owners, puppyhood doesn’t last forever.  Loss of puppy coat is a normal part of your dog’s growth, but it can be alarming for first-time owners. Here is what you can expect during this phase of your puppy’s life.

What’s the Difference between a Puppy Coat & Adult Coat?
Puppies are born with a single coat of soft and fluffy fur that helps to regulate their body temperature. This coat naturally gives way to the adult coat, which is usually thicker and stiffer than the puppy coat. As your dog develops, dog breeds with double coats grow two layers of adult fur, with the undercoat usually shorter than the outer coat. Dog breeds that have single coats grow their own distinctive coats as they shed their puppy coat – some short and curly and some long and silky. SEE What is my dog’s coat type article

Some changes in appearance are normal during this phase. Dogs may develop coats that are a different colour than their puppy coat. For instance, Dalmatians are born without any spots. Many breeds develop different coat colouring and patterns as they shed their puppy fur. Englisg Setters, Bedlingtom Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers and Shih Tzu are a few of the breeds that may change colours dramatically from puppy to adult.

When Do Puppies Shed Their Coats?
Puppies lose their puppy coats between 4-to-6 months of age, although this time frame varies widely from breed to breed and can start at 12 weeks or wait until they’re one year old. You might not notice your puppy shedding, especially if he/she is a shorthaired breed, or the change could be dramatic. Some long-haired breeds go through a few awkward months known as “the uglies” and may look a little ruffled, patchy, or shaggy as their adult coats come in. Don’t it won’t last! 

Other breeds, like the Pomeranian, can take up to 2 years to grow their adult coat in fully. Many people believe that longhaired dogs, like Collies, shed more than shorthaired dogs, like Labrador Retrievers. Although the long hair may be more noticeable on your clothes or couch, shorthaired dogs often have denser coats that naturally shed more. Even breeds that are non-shedding will shed a small amount of hair when they are puppies, although it may take longer for this to happen.

You may wonder whether the amount of shedding your puppy does is an indication of how much shedding he will do as an adult. It varies – there are puppies that will shed hardly at all but start shedding a lot more as an adult, and other puppies will shed more than they will as an adult dog. As an owner, you can play an important role in helping your puppy develop a healthy adult coat.

A complete and balanced diet that includes the proper vitamins and nutrients is important for a proper and healthy coat in dogs. Be sure to give plenty of fresh, clean water, because dehydration can be a cause of hair loss.

Grooming Your Puppy’s Changing Coat
Regular grooming is an essential part of caring for any dog and is especially important as your dog’s coat transitions from puppyhood to adulthood. Grooming your dog is a great bonding experience for you and your dog. It also ensures that your dog is comfortable being handled all over his body. This is especially important for puppies growing into longer coats, as regular grooming is necessary for their health – and your sanity. It will also help when your dog visits the vet and allow full health checks to be completed without stressing your dog. It is key to your puppy’s socialisation phase. 

Proper grooming is also important to make sure your dog’s adult coat comes in healthy. The old hair must all come out to allow the new hair to grow in. If you plan to take your pup to a professional groomer, it’s a good idea to start when he is young. 

Brushing your dog at Home
It is important that you brush your dog at home. Even if you visit the groomer weekly it would still be important. 
There are a variety of different kinds of dog brushes – bristle, wire-pin, slicker and so on. It is important to use the brush type that is most appropriate for your pup’s type of coat. 

You want to get your puppy used to being brushed right from the beginning – so be gentle and patient, give him a chance to sniff the brush, present a puppy toy for him to chew while you brush, and reward him with a treat when you finish. In addition to brushing, bathing your dog also helps remove dead hair. Be sure to use a no-tears shampoo that won’t irritate his eyes.

Abnormal Puppy Hair Loss & Shedding
Loss of puppy coat is normal, but not all hair loss is healthy. “Take your pup for a full check-up if he is exhibiting exceptional hair loss or has any of the symptoms listed here:

Bare patches of skin
Scaly skin
Red or inflamed skin
Loss of large patches of fur
Excessive scratching

The time you spend raising a puppy is filled with excitement, fun and dedication. Your puppy’s coat doesn’t need to be a burden. With regular grooming and the right knowledge, you and your puppy can enjoy the transition from puppyhood to adulthood together – even if your puppy does develop a case of “the uglies” along the way.

Feel free to speak to me about grooming at home, correct brushes and brushing routine. TIP: Always focus on brushing from the ground up! These are the places that mat the easiest, can become damp and are high friction spots such as the legs, chest, tail, where harnesses make contact and of course behind the ears. 

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