Brushing and combing your dog regularly not only keeps the coat looking good but it helps release dead hair, undercoat and cuts down on excess shedding. Brushing at home is key for long, silky, and wool coats as it will help to remove any knots before the knots progress into mats. Regular brushing will help to distribute the natural oils from the skin and keep your dog healthy.

To make brushing safe, comfortable and enjoyable for you and your dog, teach your dog the stand command. This tells your dog to stand in one place. It can take time but if you say 'Stand' every time you brush and comb your dog, it will become habit and your dog will learn the over time and should except and comply, and may even enjoy it. It will help your groomer and vet too long term too as your dog will be more socialised and compliant to brushing, combing and handling. 

Find a comfortable place to brush your dog, maybe even outside if it is nice, it will help with the hair and may distract your dog.  If not choose a location with a hard floor as it is easier to clean up. Depending on the breed of your dog and how much shedding there is, it can be a hairy business. 

How often you should wash, brush and comb your dog will depend on the coat type. How often, what tools to use, which parts of the body to focus on etc can be found in the following Coat Guides as below:

Please ask for advice if you need help or further information or have any questions. I am always happy to help in relation to maintaining your dog's coat at home

See Bathing Your Dog At Home and Your Dog's Coat & Grooming below for further articles:

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